UWA Guild bans Dalai Lama after fears of offending Chinese spies

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By Sean Ayres

The UWA Guild last night took the surprising step of banning the Dalai Lama, the religious icon of Tibet, from setting foot on UWA campus.

The mover of the motion, a Chinese student elected on a platform of increasing free speech on campus, claimed Chinese students were offended by the Dalai Lama’s visit in 2015.

In his previous visit to UWA, the Nobel Peace Prize winner advocated for controversial issues such as happiness, non-violence, inter-religious understanding and compassion. It is understood that the Guild was wary of the upsetting affect that his presence on campus would have given the Chinese invasion, occupation, cultural repression and authoritarian control over Tibet.

Quotes by the Dalai Lama that were deemed inappropriate include: “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” “My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.” “The Chinese Communist Party has turned Tibet into hell on earth”

When questioned on whether the Guild was worried about reports of Chinese spies infiltrating Australian universities and silencing anti-Communist party sentiment, the UWA Guild issued a statement saying they have a strong vetting policy to prevent Chinese spies.

In other news, the UWA guild released a list of banned topics of conversation on campus. In this list included border disputes in the South China Sea and former Australian politician Sam Dastyari’s undisclosed donations from Chinese businessmen.

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