Photography: Sofia-Sekia Atrutkepic
By Harry Cunningham
Sofia-Seika Atrutkepic is a student studying photography here at Murdoch University. She loves travel, photography and has a Pug named Potato. I decided to find out more…
Hey Sofia, I love the Image you shot for the cover. How did you go about shooting it?
“I shot in the sound studio with my friend Imogen for a class. The assignment was on light gels and we shot Imogen’s sister Astrid.”
“I love people, I love expression, and I like capturing what I find is beautiful about someone, the special thing that makes them who they are.”
Can you tell us more about these photos from India? When did you go?
“I went last year (2016) in the uni holidays. I used this trip to work on my photography, and experience a different culture that was vastly different from Australia.”
Is there a particular reason why you chose India?
“Not particularly, as a student it was a destination that was suitable for my budget (laughs). But before my travels there I had seen some pictures that made it seem like such a magical place.”
How did you travel around India?
“I backpacked mostly. I started at the bottom of India (In Goa) and travelled around by bus, taxi, Tuk-Tuks and Rickshaws.”
You seem to love to shoot portraits, why is this?
“I love people, I love expression, and I like capturing what I find is beautiful about someone and what makes them who they are.”
And lastly, how is your pug Potato?
“Potato is great and loving his little doggy life. His best friends Jaffa and Jedha go for a walk together every day down in the field. He hasn’t been in any photoshoots lately but he makes a great assistant!”
Do you have any websites you want to share?
“My Facebook (Seika Photography) and you can follow my intragram @sofiaseika for more of my photography :).”