Editor explains

By Madura McCormack

This post hopes to answer any questions you might have regarding METIOR and why it has been missing since November 2014. If you have any other queries, send us an email or leave a comment below 

Where has METIOR been?

Lately we’ve been behind the scenes, setting up the website and other back end bits so that we can officially bring METIOR online.

The transition has been rough and because of that the magazine has been largely (completely) out of the public eye.

But we’re back now! And ready to rock. So keep coming back, because you are what keep us going.

Why did you move online in the first place?

 METIOR has been in print since 1975, and there wasn’t a time in my knowledge where METIOR ever made a profit. So financial issues were not a major part of the shift, but it was definitely a component.

The main reason is due to the decreasing readership of the magazine in its hard copy form. We know this because of the many leftover copies that remain on the stands each time we have a new edition out.

This snippet of the memo from The Guild to METIOR at the start of the discussion summarises it well;


Screenshot taken from official email to METIOR

Okay so? That was it?

There was discussion between the editorial team and The Guild of course. It was hard to let go of the print platform because it is something we have used for decades and felt like we were letting our history and our readers down.

But ultimately the facts remain; the magazine would most likely do better online if enough elbow grease is put in.

Yes, certain things will always look better in print and that is why a single edition of METIOR will be printed each semester, showcasing the best contributions.

Who are you?

My name is Madura McCormack, a 3rd year journalism student. Some of you might remember me as the previous sub-editor of METIOR.

I have been away since August 2014 until a few weeks ago, after being overseas on 2 separate exchange programs. Yes, you’re totally allowed to do that at Murdoch.

What’s the plan?

Okay here we go. For starters, I aim to touch base with METIOR contributors, old and new. There is no magazine without the contributors and I feel the relationship has been too distant for too long. If you want to contribute or have contributed before and want to do so again, please email me and we can talk about it.

From there, I want to pump out new articles, photography and all the things you love to read and view, plus more.

We now have all the space we could possibly want to publish all the things we couldn’t back in hard copy, which means I’ll be bringing in more of certain things such as current Murdoch news, student politics and longer length features.

In addition, I intend to partner up with all the different media groups in the University, such as Radio MurdochThe BouncePURE and the Vet school’s ‘Moospaper’. Think of METIOR as your one stop shop for all things Murdoch related.

For the back end bit of the magazine, I will be building an editorial team that was much larger than before. This is so METIOR is always up and functioning even as the old guard graduate and the new takeover. Having a larger team will also be better for the magazine in terms of creativity and editorial standard.

Sound good? I want to know what you think, so please let me know.

What is METIOR’s relationship with The Guild?

METIOR is under the governance of the Murdoch student Guild. Think of us as the ABC or the SBS and the Guild as government. (Not the current government though)

They handle our finances but they do not by any means control what METIOR publishes. The magazine remains firmly neutral.

Are there any other changes we should know about?

Not that I can think of, but if there are I will update this page accordingly.

If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

I hope this has helped lift the fog that was covering the plight of the magazine since we went missing.

METIOR is now back, and stronger than ever. So welcome back readers, it’s only just begun.

Metior Magazine