Murdoch Maps Web App
Find your Way around Campus
Our Campus has evolved over the years and with it we have seen movements of schools, rooms and facilities to meet the needs of our staff and students. As our facilities grow, we want to ensure everyone is able to get around easily and vitally, not get lost!
To help with Campus navigation, we are pleased to announce the introduction of the Murdoch Maps web app. This application is available via mobile (iOS or Android) or desktop device with an internet connection and will provide you with Campus navigational support.
This first version of the Murdoch Maps web app includes the Perth Campus map with the following functionality:
· Where am I? – the map identifies your current location
· I need to find… – search for a room (names or numbers), lecture theatre or points of interest (such as UniBank, the Tavern, etc.) around Campus
· Get me there! – mapping to provide you with a visual pathway and text directions showing you the best way to get to your destination
· Feedback – let us know what we can include or change in future versions of the app!
We have already planned some enhancements to this app and will soon be introducing disability routes, internal routes (within a building directly to your room) and the Murdoch and Rockingham campus maps!
This new app will be available shortly via either the Campus Map page on the Murdoch University website, or via the QR Code link you will see on promotional posters around Perth Campus.
– Anna Skelton, Murdoch University