Library construction renews student spaces

By Sarah Smit

The 24/7 Learning Common on level 2 of  the Geoffrey Bolton library, long known as the bane of any student unwise enough to have a laptop with a non-infinite battery life, has been completely refurbished.

The Learning Common now boasts working powerpoints near almost every desk, USB charging points on most tables, and a collection of noise dampening couches. The Murdoch Guild of Students has partnered with the Library Mangement to provide new vending machines and free mobile phone charging stations.

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The Library’s new blue square chairs are noise dampening, allowing collaboration which doesn’t disturb those nearby

Construction on the 24/7 learning common is just one part of the major changes taking place.  The after hours entrance on level 2 will soon be accessible 24 hours, meaning that students coming from the ECL building can bypass Bush Court on their way to the library.

Moving forward, library management intends to decorate the space with student art and is looking into providing whiteboards for general use.

Matthew Evans, the new Director of Library and Knowledge Management Services says that the current major construction is projected to be finished by the end of March, but that they intend to continually renew the space yearly to keep up with student’s needs and feedback.

Metior Magazine